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Mobilism 2011 is done and dusted, but this page preserves its memory. And remember: we'll be back on 10th and 11th of May 2012 in Amsterdam.


All sessions have been filmed and will be made available on our Vimeo page.


Jeremy has had the mobile browser panel transcribed.


  1. Luke Wroblewski: Mobile First (PDF)
  2. PPK: The Future of the Mobile Web (PDF)
  3. Stephanie Rieger: Beyond the Mobile Web
  4. Brian Leroux: After HTML5
  5. Antony Ribot: Devices, designs and enabling behaviours
  6. Browser panel: No slides
  7. Steve Souders: High Performance Mobile (PPT)
  8. Jen Hanen: How to put the Mobile in the Mobile Web
  9. Stephen Hay: Meta layout: a closer look at media queries
  10. Scott Jehl: jQuery Mobile: Building Tools for a Changing Web
  11. Bryan Rieger: Muddling Through the Mobile Web
  12. Nikolai Onken: The Hitchhiker's guide to mobile development
  13. Jared Spool's presentation can be obtained by sending a mail to presentations at with "Mobilism" in the subject.

Blog posts


Luke Wroblewski has written a blog entry for most sessions:

  1. Future of the Mobile Web by PPK
  2. Beyond the Mobile Web by Stephanie Rieger
  3. After HTML5 by Brian Leroux
  4. Devices, designs, and behaviours by Antony Ribot
  5. Mobile browser panel
  6. High Performance Mobile by Steve Souders
  7. The Mobile in Mobile Web by Jen Hanen
  8. A Closer Look at Media Queries by Stephen Hay
  9. jQuery Mobile by Scott Jehl
  10. Muddling Through the Mobile Web by Bryan Rieger
  11. Mobile & UX: A Perfect Storm by Jared Spool

Jen Hanen blogged extensively, too:

  1. In Amsterdam
  2. Mobile First by Luke Wroblewksi
  3. PPK's and Stephanie Rieger's sessions
  4. Brian Leroux and the panel
  5. Steve Souders and Stephen Hay
  6. Scott Jehl, Bryan Rieger, Nikolai Onken, and Jared Spool
  7. Saturday and more photos

Jeremy Keith shares his impression of the mobile browser panel he moderated.

Andreas Bovens gives a list of the tools he mentioned during the browser panel.

Andrea Trasatti, the Nokia panelist, jotted down his notes.

During the conference Steve Souders announced the mobile version of his HTTP Archive.

PPK shares his thoughts about the conference, and especially the future size of the browser panel.

Horst Gutmann gives a nice overview and praises Mobilism to the skies.

Martin Sutherland muses about a service where someone turns up with a bag full of mobile phones. Something like that has to happen.


Lorentz Stout maakt er meteen maar een vijf-stappenplan voor de ultieme multi-platform ervaring van; iets waar dit congres zeker een aanzet toe gaf.

Vincent Smedinga licht de aspecten er uit die voor uitgevers het meest van belang zijn.

Lammert Postma geeft een overzicht van het congres in twee delen. Hij heeft gedetailleerde aantekeningen over de meeste sessies.

Een gedegen samenvatting van dag 1 door e-sites.

Een overzicht van

Sander van Indivirtual schrijft een gedegen recensie en roemt de kleinschaligheid van het congres en de verfrissende nieuwheid van het onderwerp.

Harm van schrijft een recensie waar hij voornamelijk op enkele algemene zaken ingaat, zoals wat een mobiel apparaat is, web vs. app, en de context van mobiel gebruik.

Een korte samenvatting van Jira ICT.


Jens Ihlenfeld wrote three blog post about the sessions of Steve Souders, Brian Leroux, and PPK.


There are two kinds of tweets we got: those from people who loved the conference, and those from people who hated not being at the conference.

How good of you to be here

Jörn Zaefferer: Last year in September I quit my job, went freelance (in December). Before New Year, I bought a #mobilism ticket. Two excellent decisions.

Brian Leroux: Wow, brilliant. #mobilism thank you

Rod Farmer: #mobilism has been a fantastic mix of design, UX, and dev. Perfect storm.

Derek Johnson: Considering asking @stephanierieger and @bryanrieger to adopt me. #mobilism

Emma Dobrescu: #mobilism over, going back to Paris. Great 2 days of inspiring talks and exchanging ideas. A step forward in this mobile experience thingy.

Harm van Vugt: Good tip for next year: go to Mobilism in Amsterdam, 2011 was awsome!

Wish you were here

Tomomi Imura: On this ConfOverload week, as far as I read here, the best conference I missed was #mobilism.

Tom Mahieu: Yeah... following #mobilism isn't even funny anymore ;) RT @StuRobson: Every tweet from @ppk makes me wish I was at #mobilism more and more.

Atul Chitnis: How on earth did I miss this conference??? Earmarking May 2012 to be in Amsterdam/Europe! Mobilism

John Lloyd: so where is #mobilism? It definitely needs to be on my radar for next year

Belen Barros Pena: That's it: next year I am going to #mobilism #uxlx